Friday, September 30, 2011

First Law School Tour

Well, I just completed my first tour of a Law School. I'm looking at three areas of Law: 1) Patent Law; 2) Entertainment Law; 3) Constitutional Law as it relates to Tax Policy issues. I must admit that I feel most at peace inside with Patent Law, as there are no political or social mountains to climb there. (Note: I also found the "Innocence Project" at the Law School, so maybe we can get them to look at Irwin Schiff's situation).

Anyway, I am at a "Y" in my educational road: 1) I continue work toward a Econometrics Ph. D. or, 2) I redirect to Law School. I am 63 hours from starting a Masters in the Econometrics or 30 hours from entering Law School on a BAAS Industrial Dispute Resolution degree. Sure wish I could find a scholarship, as it's a lot of work to keep all the proverbial plates spinning.

Ludwig von Mises, the great Austrian School economist who directs libertarian thinking, was first a JD, I understand. I'm sure I'll need two doctorates to impact a paradigm shift away from the Kensian-Marxist slavery model of the Western World.

I have a Gandhian intellectual from India, who is teaching me Mahatma Gandhi's, "Hind Swarji," chapter-by-chapter. It's Gandhiji's manifesto; powerful stuff.

Gene Chapman

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Social Security Number

The Social Security Number is as central to the enslavement of the American People as it has been throughout history to number people like cattle. Whether benefits are given or taken, the fact that people are as cattle makes them slaves to the will of masters.

The overthrow of the Social Security Number is key to the liberation of Americans. This requires a paradigm shift away from the assumptions of Kensian-Marxism, that people must be servants of the state rather then the state being servants of the people. For now, I see that noin-violence is far superior a path than violence, for Truth is not proven through violence.

1) We must breath Truth upon our elected officials.

2) We must look for moral paths of taxation.

3) We must consider the poorest person on earth.


Monday, September 26, 2011

Becoming the Paradigm Shift/ Email to India

I have been reading some of Gandhiji's thoughts on personal actions positively impacting the poorest of the poor, and as a result, I would like you to find the poorest person in India and have them make me a basket from reeds or do some craft with their hands. I'll pay for the shipping and sell it here in the USA. We'll see where it goes.

Most respectfully,

Gene Chapman

Friday, September 23, 2011

Gandhian Happiness Student Council

I am exploring the need for the formation of a Gandhian Happiness Student Council at school to explore Gross National Happiness (GNP) and the possibility of abolishing the corporation.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Gandhi/ Tolstoy Farm

As I study, I see that Gandhiji's tactic in South Africa was for 2000 people to march quietly and burn their government ID's that caused them to be identified as less/ slaves. It was around his Tolstoy's Farm experiment in South Africa that it all started.

Our overthrow of the personal income tax will be tied to such an event of burning our Social Security cards, perhaps in front of the IRS Building or the White House or Federal Reserve.

We must operate from a place of "pity" for the Kenesian-Marxist, and our slogan should be something like, "Kenesian-Marxist, Please leave our soil."


Monday, September 19, 2011

Will Morality Produce a Low Need for a Standing Army?

In one of Gandhiji's speeches, "Economic Development and Moral Development," he goes into the "Sermon on the Mount" and proposes that moral conduct in our homes will produce a lowering of a need for standing armies. So the proposition is that Muslims will not want to kill me for American policy, if I do not commit adultery, along with some list of what is "moral."

The problem I have with Gandhiji's speech is in the definition of moral. Here, I must agree with the Austrian School's general philosophy. We violate another when there is not informed consent. Gandhiji operates with the assumptions of Christianity, that there is a causal relationship between increasing wealth and immoral conduct. Again, what is immoral?

"Hind Swaraj" in Hand

One of the Gandhian School intellectuals from India, with whom I interact, suggested I read "Hind Swaraj," by M. K. Gandhi to understand his ideas in more depth. I have it in hand today, and I see that Gandhiji interacted with Leo Tolstoy a good deal. Tolstoy authored, "War and Peace" and is seemingly the central mind of influence behind the non-violence concept practiced by both Gandhiji and Martin Luther King Jr.

As I read the chapter on "Education," I noted that the central purpose of education is to make one "in harmony with Nature," according to Gandhiji.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Discussion on School in India

I need more Gandhian training before I press the U. S. Government to shut down Marxism in the country. For example, I was stumped in 2005 when the FBI began to ridicule me for fasting to no end. My solution was to move discussions into the realm of auto-cremation as a Gandhian tactic. I am curious how your university views this tactic in a Gandhian context?

Also, would I be able to continue Law School anywhere else in the world with a Master's in Gandhian Thought from India?

Most respectfully,

Gene Chapman

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

on God

"I adore God as that Spirit of the Universe that is math-centric, truth-centric and creative" (Gene Chapman).

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"Necessary and proper"

Today, I was sitting in one of my Government classes when I was introduced to the central conflict I see between those jailed in the Tax Honesty Movement and the Government. In Article 1, Sec. 8, Clause 3, we read, "To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers . . . ."

Congress gets away from the Gandhian understanding of the U. S. Constitution, which focuses on the direct intelligible Truth, by utilization of this single phrase, known as the "elastic clause." This clause is used to circumvent and make moot the entirety of the rest of the constitution by some in Congress. It's Orwellian double-speak to suggest that the U. S. Constitution can operate with such a phrase within it around a room of lawyers. What is "necessary and proper" is the opinion of the official. This explains why Congressmen are not known for carrying a copy of the constitution in their pocket these days, I gather. All they have to remember is "necessary and proper." Then the U. S. Supreme Court rules on its constitutionality. And who knows what a bunch of lawyers on a bench think?


Monday, September 5, 2011

Gandhiji Basics

It seems to me that Gandhiji opposition to anything can be summed in one term: "informed consent." From a contract that is online with click-thoughs and fine print, to abortion, rape and war, when one party is not offered informed consent, then is the violation against even the divine. We must then take great care to inform throughly so that consent may be made for border disputes, tax policy and so on.


Friday, September 2, 2011

Egalitarian-Libertarian School

I am thinking that a good term for my school of economic thought would be, "the Egalitarian-Libertarian School," "a marriage of the Austrian School with the Gandhian School and the blessing of Econometrics."


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Property Rights Vs. Domain Rights

Property rights always seemed to ring untrue to me. I think the better term is domain rights. You see, when you awaken in the morning, you go to work. If your domain is "well defined," then you will perform better. Just as with property rights: if your domain is well defined, then you expect better performance in the context of domain rights. It is probably semantics, but I think it important down the road in my attempt to marry Austrian School and Gandhian School Economics with the seal of Econometrics.

When the American Indian, for example, talks, he mights say, "Who can own the sky, the land or the water?" Our short life span on earth is more true in terms of "domain rights" than the term "property rights," which describes a permanence that does not exist in reality.
