Monday, November 28, 2011

Overthrowing the Keynesian-Marxist System

1) Purchase and study the spinning wheel and the loom as your teacher.

2) Use a bicycle, walk or use a horse more each day to avoid fuel taxes. While these taxes are not intrinsically immoral, they are tools used to fund our enslaver.

3) Study careers that need no government permit or are hard to permit by governments ( i. e. car repair, welding, roofing, etc.).

Learning the Path

In a read of the last chapter of "Hind Swaraj," I realize that without a deep understanding of chapters 17 and 20, non-viloent resistance is laughable to seek to attain.

Gandhiji repeats to the educated elite in his 19 points that the loom, the loom, the loom allows the people to step away from English rule.

Each of us must at some point independent of one another determine that the Keynesian-Marxist will profit from my pulse no more. The doctor and lawyer must walk away from the money and sit at the loom.

When they say, "It's in the Constitution," we must reply, "Man is not made for the law; rather, the law is made for man, and if even the Constitution allows slavery, then it is no law from God, and thus no law at all." If they refuse to allow the Constitution to speak for itself, without lawyers redefining meanings toward slavery, then we must the refuse the whole.

I am buying a spinning wheel to study how to make a living without the IRS. And if they will not allow it, I will throw myself upon the butcher's knife, as Gandhiji instructed the Jews of Hitler's Germany!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Ego, ID and Autocremation

In an examination of why auto-cremation has such a powerful impact on governments, it occurs to me that when one auto-cremates in front of an IRS Building, for example, the Ego and the ID cease to exist, and only the truth of the person is left for contemplation. There can be no redefinition of the individual into motivation being associated with ego or id at the point of auto-cremation. It is as if, Truth is an alternate universe that reaches out a touches us who remain alive. Humm.

El Paso Tolstoy's Farm Experiment

As I read, the use of Gandhi's Tolstoy's Farm was to provide living space for the families of the men in prison while they employed Satyagrah. For those involved in satyagrah against the IRS and other Marxist institutions, please feel free to use my 20 acres outside El Paso, Texas (USA) to set up shop at no cost to you.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Exchange with Gandhian Intellectuals in India:

Thank you all for your comments. The spinning wheel is $148 from India, made of mahogany and exactly what Gandhiji used, they tell me. I can see that it is self-contained; thus, it is a small factory that can be carried. I plan to own one.

I am curious what 20 cares of land in the country near (edited) would cost an American. My understanding is that Gandhiji did his Tolstoy's Farm Experiment on 20 acres in South Africa, so I would like to run my own while working on my Master's and Ph. D. in Gandhian Philosophy at the university there. Your ideas are welcomed.

To overthrow the IRS's Keynesian-Marxist tax system, these dynamics must be fully explored, I believe.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Humm. Spinning Wheels

I've been checking prices for spinning wheels, so central to Mahatma Gandhi's overthrow of British rule in India that they put it on their flag. I hope others will join me in this study here in the Unites States, as Gandhiji thought the spinning wheel so important that it is in the university mandate of the university he founded, still. Perhaps I will spin in front of an IRS building next summer to contemplate a path to non-violent overthrow of the Keynsian-Marxist system of enslavement.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Moving in a Marxist Direction?

I was reading my daily email from, and it appears that Occupy Wall Street is taking on a pro-Marxist philosophical direction in some letter Mises quotes. While this is a sad development, it does provide us an opportunity to provide our side of the issue.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Lons Star International Film Festival

This past week, I spent Wednesday afternoon and Friday night as a volunteer at the Lone Start International Film Festival. Willie Nelson showed up the day between, when I wasn't there, but the head of the security detail and I spent time together Friday night talking about it. We were looking over the needs of Piper Laurie, the mother in the horror movie, "Carrie." I was there to get water and such and move her office chair around behind her, so she had an easy seat around the theatre. We had a good laugh on the elevator, as Piper said, "Maybe I should just stay in the chair," making fun at the the fuss that was being made over her, two security staff and me with the chair in the elevator. She dated Ronald Reagan a couple of times back when she was very young and had pictures of her with Tony Curtis, etc. She was "the Paris Hilton of her day," one person told me, and I believe it from her early pictures. A copy of her autobiography was offered by one of the security staff, but I passes, since I didn't feel I knew her well enough to rate a free signed copy.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Case Law Found on 13th Amendment and the Personal Income Tax

We have a case on Miss. Vivien Kellems concerning the income tax and the 13 Amendment:

I found this while reading page 105 of "For A New Liberty," by Murray N. Rothbard, suggested to me by the Mises Institute (

Death Penalty Position

While sitting in one of my Political Science classes today, it was asked where we stand on the death penalty. I said, "I've changed over the years to now oppose the death penalty for two reasons: 1) I think it fosters violence within the culture, and 2) I don't think there is a person on earth wise enough to know who needs to die." While I am not graduated to the point of Gandhiji and the opposition to eating a hamburger that comes along with that, I do understand that raising a machete (or some other item of death) to take the life of something that is looking you in the eye and can experience terror, somehow changes the executioner and defiles their innocence. On the second point, I think it speaks for itself.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Mahatma Gandhi Global Library and Book Exchange

If anyone would like to forward books to a "Mahatma Gandhi Global Library and Book Exchange," please send them to P. O. Box 295545, Lewisville, Texas USA 75029. There are many thousands of young people at the Wall Street protests across America who are desperate for Gandhian views to direct their protests, but they keep getting their heads bashed in by the police because they do not understand that non-violence is powered by truth and love, not arbitrary obstinance toward all authority. With Gandhian books, we can build an army of knowledgable non-violent leaders.

Occupy Dallas Unreasonably Attacked by Dallas Police

A young "Occupy Dallas" protester was evidently standing on a planter box, while the group was marching to a bank in Downtown Dallas a day or two ago. The Dallas Police sought the opportunity to bully the young person by telling him to get down from the planter. The young man did not get down, so the police took this as an opportunity to beat him down a cuff him.

This is the kind of frustration by police we can exploit. The police lost their cool. No child should be beaten for standing on a planter on an open street. If your parent beat you down and handcuffed you every time you did something a bit youthful in the grocery store, you would be taken away from your parents.

These Dallas police officers did not act properly, and they should be held accountable by their supervisors and the good citizens of Dallas for being less than adult in the midst of a non-violent march.

To the protesters, I quote Tolstoy', who quoted Jesus: "Resist no evil." This means that you should be happy with your victimhood and continue to stand. But stay off the planters from now on.

"compelling government interest"

The one term that keeps coming up in 'personal income tax' and 'military draft' cases that is used to counter the 13th Amendment as it relates to slavery is "compelling government interest." We must take that term away from government to be successful.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

National Bank Transfer Day: Positive for Occupy Wall Street

I hear today that a move of over 600,000 bank account transfers have taken place in recent weeks out of the big corporate banks and into the local credit unions, more than happened in the whole of last year, according to NBC Nightly News. This is a positive Gandhian move toward choking out the Federal Reserve Banking system and the enslavement it imposes upon individuals. Keep thinking in this vein. We must become more independent or "unattached," as Gandhiji would put it, to the slave system. Think spinning wheels and Salt Tax marches.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Occupy Dallas Losing Steam

Well, the first signs that "Occupy Dallas" is losing steam appeared on the local news today. Some of them were covered in "fake blood" and laying on the ground. When the actors show up, the real issue falls to second place, as the public realizes that nothing of moral substance is forthcoming.

The conflict is between two continents of ideology: Keynesian-Marxism vs. Individual Liberty. The Great Divide between these continents is most evident in the 13th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution, as politicians and the wealthy fascists seek to talk of the taxation of labor, taxation of property and numbering people as cattle (the three primary attributes of slavery in antiquity) as being something other than slavery or involuntary servitude. Only here will we find the mechanism to move the issue.

Involuntary servitude[15]

Refers to a person held by actual force, threats of force, or threats of legal coercion in a condition of slavery – compulsory service or labor against his or her will. This also includes the condition in which people are compelled to work against their will by a "climate of fear" evoked by the use of force, the threat of force, or the threat of legal coercion (i.e., suffer legal consequences unless compliant with demands made upon them) which is sufficient to compel service against a person's will. The first U.S. Supreme Court case to uphold the ban against involuntary servitude was Bailey v. Alabama (1911).

Thursday, November 3, 2011


I've been thinking a lot about how to live the rest of my life to its fullest, now that Marc, my friend from Welding class, who passed away being nine (9) months younger than me. One of my professors at Baylor referred to me once as a "philosopher." Hmm. I want to live the adventure of Hemingway, to be the Apostle of Mahatma Gandhi to the Western man and overturn the Keynsian-Marxist School of economics that so enslaves our culture.

Occupy Wall Street vs. Occupy Oakland Violence

My dear Gandhians in Oakland, California,

I am so pleased to see that you are disavowing the violence of those who infiltrated your ranks on yesterday. Violence is one of those cow bells that keep us from hearing the Truth's whisper. When the violent come, cast them out, walk away from them and point them out to the police. The police officer is quite literally your cousin, as is everyone else. Even the banker, who exploits the Federal Reserve Banking system to falsely inflate Wall Street stocks at the cost you your future . . . is your cousin, your family.

We must operate from a perspective of patient love toward a parent or other older family member who has left the good child accidentally in the cold. We must win with the power of our intellect and the depth of our love shown in suffering.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

on Verizon

Gene Chapman
(Address Edited)

November 2, 2011


Dear (Edit):

Thank you for your recent correspondence of this past week on the phone contract issue with Verizon.

As a Gandhian, I am obliged to contemplate the highest truth and the highest solution in all matters. When I worked to push for new hours of service regulations within the trucking industry with House Majority Leader Dick Armey (edit), Senator Phil Gramm and Texas Governor George W. Bush in the early 2000's, I was amazed at how many trucking executives would look me in the eye over breakfast or in some other setting and discount the lives of your and my family in the name of profits. They would say, "Well, a certain amount of people have to die," and that I should focus my resources on more important things. We know now that 210 lives are saved each year because of the new hours of service regulations that went into effect under President George W. Bush in January, 2004 (over 1,600 lives saved to date).

While I suppose the issues discussed in the enclosed letter from the Verizon executive will not kill anybody, I know that when we seek less than the highest truth, we impoverish the world. When we accept less than that voice of logic and reason that speaks to us in the stillness of the night to a calm place in the center of our stomach, while the cow bells that surround truth are silenced, we open the door to great inequities and a world of disarray.

Clearly, a fourteen (14) day contract evaluation period is insufficient time for a person to know how a phone contract will impact them, when the first bill is thirty (30) days away and no concrete facts have been presented to the customer concerning taxes, etc. before the thirty (30) days. Perhaps Verizon should be asked to provide a lawyer to each client?

If we are to be the best world we can be, the executives in it will have to address the highest truths and the highest solutions available from that benevolent Spirit of the Universe that is both math-centric and truth-centric. Anything less will leave the world a filthy mess.

Most respectfully,

Gene Chapman

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Three Things We Will Need to Defeat Keynsian-Marxism

The three things we will need to throw off Keynsian-Marxism are:

1) At least 1000 people willing to burn their Social Security Cards in front of the White House.

2) They must be schooled in Tolstoy's Farm Experiments to live without Social Security Cards.

3) We will need to provide a well reasoned alternative to the Keynsian-Marxist School of Economics.