Economics is the study of decision making related to the use of limited resources in a world of unlimited demands. Gandhi sets aside all presuppositions, examining each matter on its own merits. Here, we shall explore this exchange.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Overthrowing the Keynesian-Marxist System
Learning the Path
Thursday, November 24, 2011
The Ego, ID and Autocremation
El Paso Tolstoy's Farm Experiment
Monday, November 21, 2011
Exchange with Gandhian Intellectuals in India:
Thank you all for your comments. The spinning wheel is $148 from India, made of mahogany and exactly what Gandhiji used, they tell me. I can see that it is self-contained; thus, it is a small factory that can be carried. I plan to own one.
I am curious what 20 cares of land in the country near (edited) would cost an American. My understanding is that Gandhiji did his Tolstoy's Farm Experiment on 20 acres in South Africa, so I would like to run my own while working on my Master's and Ph. D. in Gandhian Philosophy at the university there. Your ideas are welcomed.
To overthrow the IRS's Keynesian-Marxist tax system, these dynamics must be fully explored, I believe.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Humm. Spinning Wheels
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Occupy Wall Street Moving in a Marxist Direction?
Monday, November 14, 2011
Lons Star International Film Festival
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Case Law Found on 13th Amendment and the Personal Income Tax
Death Penalty Position
Monday, November 7, 2011
Mahatma Gandhi Global Library and Book Exchange
Occupy Dallas Unreasonably Attacked by Dallas Police
"compelling government interest"
Saturday, November 5, 2011
National Bank Transfer Day: Positive for Occupy Wall Street
Friday, November 4, 2011
Occupy Dallas Losing Steam
Refers to a person held by actual force, threats of force, or threats of legal coercion in a condition of slavery – compulsory service or labor against his or her will. This also includes the condition in which people are compelled to work against their will by a "climate of fear" evoked by the use of force, the threat of force, or the threat of legal coercion (i.e., suffer legal consequences unless compliant with demands made upon them) which is sufficient to compel service against a person's will. The first U.S. Supreme Court case to uphold the ban against involuntary servitude was Bailey v. Alabama (1911).
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Occupy Wall Street vs. Occupy Oakland Violence
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
on Verizon
November 2, 2011
Dear (Edit):
Thank you for your recent correspondence of this past week on the phone contract issue with Verizon.
As a Gandhian, I am obliged to contemplate the highest truth and the highest solution in all matters. When I worked to push for new hours of service regulations within the trucking industry with House Majority Leader Dick Armey (edit), Senator Phil Gramm and Texas Governor George W. Bush in the early 2000's, I was amazed at how many trucking executives would look me in the eye over breakfast or in some other setting and discount the lives of your and my family in the name of profits. They would say, "Well, a certain amount of people have to die," and that I should focus my resources on more important things. We know now that 210 lives are saved each year because of the new hours of service regulations that went into effect under President George W. Bush in January, 2004 (over 1,600 lives saved to date).
While I suppose the issues discussed in the enclosed letter from the Verizon executive will not kill anybody, I know that when we seek less than the highest truth, we impoverish the world. When we accept less than that voice of logic and reason that speaks to us in the stillness of the night to a calm place in the center of our stomach, while the cow bells that surround truth are silenced, we open the door to great inequities and a world of disarray.
Clearly, a fourteen (14) day contract evaluation period is insufficient time for a person to know how a phone contract will impact them, when the first bill is thirty (30) days away and no concrete facts have been presented to the customer concerning taxes, etc. before the thirty (30) days. Perhaps Verizon should be asked to provide a lawyer to each client?
If we are to be the best world we can be, the executives in it will have to address the highest truths and the highest solutions available from that benevolent Spirit of the Universe that is both math-centric and truth-centric. Anything less will leave the world a filthy mess.
Most respectfully,