Saturday, December 31, 2011

"My Religion," by M. K. Gandhi

I've been reading the chapters on fasting and prayer in Mahatma Gandhi's book, "My Religion." It is clear that fasting is prayer, and the prayer must be for pure reasons. In my fast, I am echoing the opposition of the Ron Paul U. S. Presidential campaign to the existence of central bank of the United States, as it creates a false balance in the money supply by inflating currency and thus redistributing the value of labor from the poor into the whims of the politician. This must be overthrown in a world of peace, within an economy of permanence.

Other dynamics that must be overthrown in a world of peace include slavery (taxation of labor, taxation of property and numbering people like cattle to control the taxation of their labor and property).

Pro-Ron Paul Agenda Fast/ Happy New Year

Well, I'm about to go into the 3rd day of my Pro-Ron Paul Agenda fast at the New Year, 5 1/4 hours from now. All goes well with the fast.

Friday, December 30, 2011

"Economy of Permanence"

While the fast continues, I am reading "Economy of Permanence," by J. C. Kumarappa, Mahatma Gandhi's right hand man. The book goes into several cottage industries that can be utilized to live the permanent economy. One that strikes me is "soap making." I'm reading several websites on the topic and think I will try to make some soap.
The fast continues.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The fast began about 3 minutes ago.

3 day fast in support of Ron Paul agenda starts in 1 1/2 hours

In about 1 1/2 hours, I will begin my 3 day fast in support of the U. S. Presidential Candidate Ron Paul's agenda to close the central bank and its related functions of slavery (taxation of labor, taxation of property (indirectly) and numbering people like cattle (SSN)).

This may be the last opportunity for our agenda to gain this level of public knowledge for many years ahead, as Ron Paul leads in the polls of the Iowa caucuses, so I want to do all I can to echo Ron Paul's message in this fast.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Three Day Fast to Promote Ron Paul's Focus on Abolition of the Central Bank and the Personal Income Tax

After my 123 days of combined fasting, from April, 2003 thru April, 2004, against the personal income tax (tax slavery), the social security number (slave number) and the property tax (three attributes of slavery in Antiquity), I put off fasting until I could gain more insight on the topic. I've lost some eyesight and gained high blood sugar from those days, I think. Today, I am better connected to Gandhiji's world with teachers and council in India and around the world.

With this in mind, I will be doing a three day fast to begin at 12:00 a.m. Central Time on December 30, 2011 thru 12:01 a.m. on January 2, 2012, in order to pay respect to Ron Paul and to the attention given through his campaign to the concerns of the Tax Honesty Movement, the Occupy Wall Street Movement and the Tea Party Movement in their attempts to overthrow corruption in the United States Government in its support of the central bank and above related issues.

Gene Chapman

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Interesting Parellel

I was looking over my efforts in the context of Gandiji's efforts, and I noted some interesting parallels:

1) Gandhi had a JD from and English speaking nation (UK), which helped him navigate the machine of his opposition. I am seeking a JD in an English speaking nation for the same purposes.

2) Gandhiji had a university. I have a library (

3) Gandhiji had a newspaper (Young India). I have a blog (

There is more, but the library was the big new thing that got my attention.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Suggested Positive Attention be Given to Ron Paul

Last evening, my teacher in India laid out a positive explanation of my 123 days of fasting against the IRS in 2003 to 2004, as satyagraha, bringing attention not in anger but in pity toward the IRS. The explanation is at

With this in mind, I feel it would be appropriate for a public silent protest/ fast (whatever) to take place in Iowa during the caucuses in January, 2012, a few weeks away, not in direct support of Ron Paul, as this would be partisan, but in recognition that he is the first U. S. presidential candidate who has addressed the most immoral issues of the taxation of labor and the redistribution of labor value from the poor into the whims of the political classes though central banking.

Gene Chapman

123 Days of Fasting was Right

Based on the previous explanation, I was doing a right act in my 123 days of fasting against the IRS in 2003 thru 2004.

Gene Chapman has raised a very importent question. He asks what is the difference between Satyagraha and Dharna ? Are these activities not the same? I think it is essencial to understand the meaning of both these terms. Dharna verbally means 'Sitting' against some one under protest. It means you are not happy with someone's action and you are annoyed therefore you sit on Dharna to express your unhappiness and anger. The basic-uniqness of Satyagraha is that it is not against any body but for self-suffering for the ignorence of someone invidually or collectively. For example some Authority or indvidual responsible for the State. We can say Gandhiji's Satyagraha against South African Colonial regime or against Gen. Sumuts, who was head of the State.

'Satyagraha' is an act of self-suffering, It is for the wrong act or, acts of someone to make him realise that he/she has committ ed an inhuman act knowingly or unknowingly. It is an act of love through self-suffering.for someone who is angry and may be having hatered. Dharna is an act of hatered against some one who has commited anger and negetive feelings of unhappiness. There is no scope for love. It is power of love that satyagrahi expersses through his own suffrings. We can say it is an act of changing a person through the force of heart, and not not with body.force.

Satyagraha is an extraordinary act of human heart to express oneness with the one who does not want to be one with you due to his/her ignorence. In his book Hind Swaraj, Gandhiji had tried so show humanity that there is much more power in human mind than physical body. Human being can change the world with his positive mind power than what millions of violent army people could not do. We have several hundred examples of Army-Power-Violent force vs Power of love force. Actually it is the power of love only which bring qualitative change. That is what Gandhiji had shown through his extraordinary example.

Gandhiji had not done any thing like invention. He simply discover the hidden power of man. This power is within every one. The question is of bringing it out and putting it into social action. So we can say that Satyagraha is a Social Action which is the demand of the Time. Humanity has been fedup with the Body-Force-Show[ militarism], and now human being is also going disillusoned with materialism [ Blind Consumarism]. We have to move beyond militarism and materialism.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Gandhiji's Spinning Wheel and the Overthrow of the Fed. Reserve

As I spend more time in a study of the spinning wheel used by Mahatma Gandhi, I see that it provided a path for the Indian people to remain independent of the European mechanization that so impoverished India. Like the Federal Reserve system in the USA and throughout the world, mechanization was used to undermine the labor value of the individual Indian.

What we need to overthrow the Fed is a path of money production that replaces fiat currency with barter. I suggest that the spinning wheel provides a real value of labor invested by the maker that can be transferred between us in the form of hand made cloth. A certain amount of hand spun cloth could be traded between us for services. We would have to determine the relative value of such exchange.