Gene Chapman
P. O. Box 29945
Lewsiville, Texas 75029
August 31, 2011
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
P. O. Box 29945
Lewsiville, Texas 75029
August 31, 2011
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear Mr. President:
As an Economics student, I take note that you have a new chief economic advisor from Princeton.
In my studies, I am attempting to marry the econometrics of Milton Friedman and the Chicago School, the libertarian views of the Austrian School and the reverence for the community found in the Gandhian School. I am concerned that you are pulling economic advisors from a very limited world view, as both Harvard and Princeton are of the Keynesian-Marxist School.
I hope you will open your pool of thinkers to include non-slavebased minds.
Most respectfully,
As an Economics student, I take note that you have a new chief economic advisor from Princeton.
In my studies, I am attempting to marry the econometrics of Milton Friedman and the Chicago School, the libertarian views of the Austrian School and the reverence for the community found in the Gandhian School. I am concerned that you are pulling economic advisors from a very limited world view, as both Harvard and Princeton are of the Keynesian-Marxist School.
The Keynesian-Marxist School promotes attributes of slavery (i. e. taxation of labor, taxation of property, numbering people like cattle), while both the Austrian School and the Gandhian School reject slavery as morally bankrupt. And econmetric models support freedom over slavery, as the more efficient mechanism for building an economy, I understand.
I hope you will open your pool of thinkers to include non-slavebased minds.
Most respectfully,
Gene Chapman