Thursday, January 26, 2012

Crossroads Getting Easier

Well, I've been back in college for 2 1/2 plus years, and I've got my AAS in Welding Technology (Pi Theta Kappa Honor Society, Physics Student of the Year, Welding Student of the Year -- 2010 thru 1011). The bachelor's degree I'm in now, I prefer in Economics alone, but the Industrial Dispute Resolution (Applied Economics) path is only 18 hours beyond this semester, and it has a unique concentration in Economics already completed, so I'm on my way to a master's and doctorate in Gandhian Economic Philosophy much more quickly this way.

Law School is open to me, they say. I'll see how things develop.

Finance is another option I'm examining in undergraduate studies, but I think it's time to get into upper level work. We'll see.