Sunday, March 4, 2012

Tell Pete Hendrickson that We're Coming!

I received an email noting that Tax Protester Pete Hendrickson, who is in prison, asked where "Superman" was to free us from Keynsian-Marxism? Well, I'm not Superman, but I do know that the conversation is changing in America, and lots of us are making that happen, including the Pete Hendrickson's, Bob Schulz's and Larkin Rose's of the world.

The other day, a student became the object of some small laughter in one of my classes for asking about the gold standard in a recent university lecture. This was not an issue just few years ago.

As for me, I'm tens of thousands in school debt at forty-five years old as I work toward a Ph. D. in Economics and a J. D., the same degrees held by Ludwig Von Mises ( I saw years ago that we Tax Honesty Movement people are degreed too shallow to get invited to the big boy table of ideas. Even Peter Schiff an Irwin Schiff hold only BS Economics degrees, just enough to get you to the proverbial complaint window.

Change will happen in a mix of Kenneth B. Clark styled sociological studies, as we saw in the Brown v. Board of Education, along with the tax case found in "For A New Liberty," by Murray Rothbard.

We're coming, Pete. We're studying to be law librarians, lawyers, economists, etc. We're coming, Pete.

Gene Chapman