Friday, June 8, 2012

After three years back in college and two degrees, I'm getting on the bus to get back in a flatbed truck Saturday.  I need to get my cash up to around $80K before I entertain finishing my first bachelor's degree (24 more hours) or my BS in Economics (50 more hours).

I'll spend the summer with the Innocence Project through a local law school here in the Dallas area, working with law students on the Internet to examine a case for overturning a conviction.  I'll apply what I can to Irwin Schiff's case.

I am hearing opportunities pitched to me to invest in media from around the movement.  I should have up to $20K ready to invest this next year.  My main interest is in script development of a pro-libertarian sitcom with a Leave It to Beaver flavor of moral libertarian teaching.

Most respectfully,

Gene Chapman