Sunday, October 30, 2011


I am reading Chapter 6 of "Hind Swaraj," wherein Gandhiji rails against mechanization as enslaving so called, "modern society." I think one might address the dingy work in factories and mines by employing ergonomic methods and the rest by pursuit of intellectual and beyond intellectual pursuits that I will term, "Gandhinomics."

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Interesting Points From My Teacher in India

Gandhiji was man who try to explore all the three faculties, which are gifted to every human being when he/she is sent on the Earth, I mean when he/she comes out of mother's womb.

These three faculties are physical, intellctual and beyond Intellectual. We people try to use maximum Physical force, in democracy only physical force is used.{majority vs minority. Few people use itellectual. Rarely we find people like Gandhiji who use all the three.

Very Nice Work: Occupy Wall Street, Dallas

I am so happy to see the positive news coverage that Occupy Wall Street, Dallas got today, in support of the police. Whether you read my suggestion here on or that of someone else, I know you see the path of Gandhiji's Truth-Force concept now.

We are the brightest and most loving child in the family, who has been accidentally placed outside in the cold night by an unknowing parent. This is out attitude that will change the circumstances away from the enslavement by the Keynsian-Marxist economics system toward a better paradigm.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Rick Perry Is a Statist in My View

I want to thank Comrade Rick Perry for forcing me and all Texas college students to take a meningitis shot before the first day of class in 2012. I am just now informed that it will be $124 on campus. Since my car engine just blew, this should make college attendance that much easier, not.

Bob Schulz following My Advice?

I've been recently emailing ideas and this blog address to We The People Founder Bob Schulz, and one of my contacts informs me that there is a link to "self-immolation" on the WTP web site. I have not seen that the link is attached for myself, but I have come to the conclusion in my recent studies portrayed here on this blog that "auto-cremation," which is the more specific term for burning one's self, is a Gandhian tactic with full Gandhian blessings.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Why I'm Not on the Streets with Occupy Wall Street, Dallas

While I support those opposing their enslavement by the Federal Reserve Banking system, which hands their futures away to inflate bank stock prices and fund unsustainable Social Security benefits to an older and better politically aware electorate, I find that my place is to operate to get back into the board rooms these days, as I did in my early 30's.

When I sought the Libertarian Party nomination for President of the United States in 2008, it became apparent that I lacked the credentials to be at the proverbial "Big Boy Table." To be at that table, one must have more than a desire to do good; one must be able to fully articulate every side of the argument, then provide a holistic solution in order to move a nation in the correct direction. While I am happy to write letters to various leaders, and do, I am still about 30 hours from Tier One law school prospects. I need further studies with my teachers in India on Gandhian Economic Philosophy and here in the U. S. on Austrian School Economics. And a good dose of econometrics is still in the works. I am with you in spirit, but I am on "good behavior" to get the maximum good done for us all, over time.

On Herman Cain's Tax Proposal:

Mr. Cain said, "If 10% is good enough for God, then 9% should be good enough for government." The problem with this is twofold: 1) The tithe, to which Mr. Cain eludes, is not a tax upon labor; it's a covenant dealing with increase from property. 2) The tithe is not discussed in the New Testament.

Gandhian Advice to Occupy Protesters:

Gandhiji never blocked a door that I know of. Martin L. King's biggest opposition is from those who saw him laying in the street blocking traffic as being petty an unprofessional. My suggestion is to sit but not block roads or walkways. BE FRIENDLY AND DO NOT ALLOW AGITATORS TO GET MIXED IN WITH YOU AND GIVE THE GOVERNMENT AN EXCUSE TO ATTACK YOU. THOSE WHO DO NOT OBEY NON-VIOLENT PRINCIPLES SHOULD BE TURNED OVER IMMEDIATELY TO THE POLICE.

Three Deaths in a Month

Well, I found out Uncle Cleo died a week ago and was buried. (Mom's phone had been out, so no one could call.) I went to see him this last summer. He was 102 and was the one person on earth who set me on the course of my life to make the world a better place than I found it.

He had invented a valve that allows propane and butane to be carried on the same truck in his early days. This invention put him in high standing, allowing him to set up an entire plant in Canada to build it for the company where he worked. He had 67 patents, advised President Truman, House Speaker Jim Wright and other top officials of the U. S. in his day. He only had a 5th grade education; wonder what he could have done on a college degree in Engineering?

Uncle Raymond took me to catch my first fish. He died at 91.

And Marc's funeral is tonight (age 44). He was my welding buddy.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Better Law School Prospects Than Thought

I just got in from my Pre-Law advising session at school. After putting down the law schools I had in mind, the advisor says, "Oh, your prospects are better than that." I'm probably not Harvard material, but not too far away. We'll see.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Case Law, Not Socially Understood Definitions

Contemporary Issues Surrounding Slavery

I am finding in my LSAT studies that I need to focus on case law definitions of slavery in order to use it in U.S. Constitutional arguments, not socially understood definitions.


Notions of slavery in the United States have expanded to include any situation in which one person controls the life, liberty, and fortune of another person. All forms of slavery are now widely recognized as inherently immoral and thoroughly evil. Slavery still occurs in various forms, but when it does, accused offenders are aggressively prosecuted. Federal statutes punish by fine or imprisonment the enticement of per sons into slavery (18 U.S.C.A. § 1583), and the holding to or selling of persons into Involuntary Servitude (§ 1584). In addition, whoso ever builds a ship for slave carriage, serves on a ship carrying slaves, or owns a slave-carrying ship will be fined or imprisoned under 18 U.S.C.A. §§ 1582, 1586, and 1587, respectively.

The statute 18 U.S.C.A. § 1581 prohibits peonage, which is involuntary servitude for the payment of a debt. Labor camps are perhaps the most common violators of the law against peon age. The operators of some labor camps keep victims for work in fields through impoverished conditions, threats, acts of violence, and alcohol consumption. Offenders often provide rudi mentary shelter to migrant workers and demand work in return, which can constitute involun tary servitude. An individual can also be con victed of sale into involuntary servitude for delivering victims under False Pretenses to such labor camps.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, much of the debate surrounding slavery related to movements urging the U.S. government to pay reparations to descendants of slaves. Supporters of this movement suggest that cash payments made to these descendants is justified to compensate the victims of slavery for years of hardship, harm, and indignities. Local governments in such cities as Dallas, Chicago, Detroit, and Cleveland have urged Congress to consider this form of payment. Opponents of reparations note that the costs of reparations, if given to the extent that some supporters urge, would cost the federal government trillions of dollars. More over, many critics question how these cash payments would be made and how recipients would be identified for receiving them.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Teacher in India says these are Four Central Concepts Followed by Gandhiji

Gandhiji spoke of four fundamental principles of Satyagraha. One of the four principles is, 'Nirbhaya', which means fearlessness. Other three are life of Truthfulness, life of Voluntary Poverty and Life of Brahmcharya, full devotion to Almighty.

Friday, October 14, 2011

An Interesting Link on Gandhian Economics

I Endorse the Non-Violent Wall Street Protesters

One must be encouraged by the Wall Street protests. What we are seeing is a non-violent resistance to the Kensian-Marxist foolishness that has bankrupted the Nation over these past hundred years (since the signing of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913). I hope they are all fans of Aaron Russo's movie, "America: Freedom to Fascism" and

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


As I read Chapter 4 of "Hind Swaraj," by Mahatma Gandhi, I noted a great importance that he placed on Tolstoy's, "The Kingdom of God is Within You," so I bought it. Maybe I'll try the Tolstoy Farm Experiment. I've also asked my teacher in India to direct me to writings on "the many faces of truth" discussed in the Forward of HS that come out of "Mahavira and Jainism."

Friend Died last Night

I was informed about an hour ago that a good friend of mine passed away in his sleep last night. Marc (my age) and I met in welding classes a little over a year ago, and I bought him lunch when we took Saturday classes, sometimes. He was always talking about paying me back someday. He had been in the Navy and was planning to move to Portland, Oregon next year with his welding classes under his belt. He got me tuned into the Mises Institute ( and studying for an Economics degree. (I left his last name off the post because that's the way he liked it.) He beat cancer twice, I believe, only to get tangled up with a big IRS issue about a month ago. It put a lot of stress on him, and the CPA said that he didn't even have a tax issue when all the numbers were run. (Humm. Unnecessary stress).

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Gandhi Does Support Auto cremation, One can easily Infer

Gandhi Shocker?

During World War II, Gandhi penned an open letter to the British people, urging them to surrender to the Nazis. Later, when the extent of the holocaust was known, he criticized Jews who had tried to escape or fight for their lives as they did in Warsaw and Treblinka. “The Jews should have offered themselves to the butcher’s knife,” he said. “They should have thrown themselves into the sea from cliffs.” “Collective suicide,” he told his biographer, “would have been heroism.”

Reported by actor-senator Fred Thompson, who Ann Althouse (to whom the hat is hereby tipped) thinks isrunning for president. Confirmed here, albeit in the context of Gandhi's belief in the moral persuasive power of an absolute commitment to nonviolence:

[B]ecause he viewed many pacifists as specialists in evading unpleasant truths, [George] Orwell did admire Gandhi's unflinching honesty with regard to the Holocaust: When asked about resistance to the Nazis, Gandhi argued that the Jews should have prepared en masse to sacrifice their lives in nonviolence -- something Orwell regarded as "collective suicide" -- in order to "[arouse] the world and the people of Germany to Hitler's violence."

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Why I Converted From Christianity to Gandhian Views

I have been trained in apologetics in my younger days, and so I've spent a lifetime defending Christianity. The big issue that caught me was the last couple of verses of Matthew 16, where Jesus tells a group that there will be "some of you" (more than one) standing here who will not taste death until you see the son of man coming in clouds of great glory (a reference to the Second Coming). So, unless there are some 2000 year old people (more than one) running around the Middle East (or anywhere), who have not yet been discovered by the Internet, Jesus Christ has to be an objective false profit by his own biblical standards.

Sorry, but Truth has to be followed.

Gene Chapman