Monday, January 30, 2012

Another Death in My Universe

Well, the mother of my best friend from high school died on last friday, so I have a wake to attend tonight. My past is clearing off the planet, now with 5 deaths close to me in 4 months.

No Reckless Endangerment of Myself Conviction in South Carolina

Well, I spoke with a lawyer in South Carolina, and he says the possible Reckless Endangerment of Myself issue either does not exist or it will be expunged for a fee of $1,000. It's just a simple business deal with the judge, says the lawyer. So law school or pass port to India, here I come.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Id, Ego and Truth-centric

When I determine if something is a law worth keeping, I ask myself if it is Id-Centric (instinctual or of the body), Ego-centric (for personal benefit within a social setting) or Truth-centric (of the higher moral dimension; aka Super-ego). More needs to be done of this study.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Crossroads Getting Easier

Well, I've been back in college for 2 1/2 plus years, and I've got my AAS in Welding Technology (Pi Theta Kappa Honor Society, Physics Student of the Year, Welding Student of the Year -- 2010 thru 1011). The bachelor's degree I'm in now, I prefer in Economics alone, but the Industrial Dispute Resolution (Applied Economics) path is only 18 hours beyond this semester, and it has a unique concentration in Economics already completed, so I'm on my way to a master's and doctorate in Gandhian Economic Philosophy much more quickly this way.

Law School is open to me, they say. I'll see how things develop.

Finance is another option I'm examining in undergraduate studies, but I think it's time to get into upper level work. We'll see.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ellen Degeneres Letter

Gene Chapman, CEO
Mahatma Gandhi Global Library and Book Exchange
P. O. Box 295545
Lewisville, Texas 75029

January 25, 2012

Ellen Degeneres

Dear Ellen:

As a Gandhian Economic Philosopher, I want to thank you for your recent "State of the Union" speech. It is a very real problem that central banking (5th plank of "The Communist Manifesto") is utilized to redistribute the value of labor from the poor and other work-a-day folks into the whims of politicians and their wealthy donors.

Allow me to suggest that rather then beads, Gandhiji's spinning wheel, for example, may provide a better mechanism to preserve wealth, while circumventing the central bank's monetary inflation policy, which is almost the sole cause of the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer.

Other problems intrinsic to the Keynesian-Marxist central bank are the taxation of labor, taxation of property (property being the physical manifestation of labor) and numbering people like cattle in order to tax labor and/ or property: three of the primary attributes of slavery in Antiquity. Slavery represents a violence against Peace, and this devolves into a violence against World Peace.

On a final note, your use non-violence is not unnoticed by the global Gandhian community. Your kind humor and donations to the hurting represent the most public evidences of Gandhian Libertarianism, as I coin it, and will in time bring America to a place of loving understanding and equality for the homosexual community.

Blessing to you,

Gene Chapman, CEO
Mahatma Gandhi Global Library and Book Exchange

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Gandhian Libertarianism vs. Libertarian Socialism

As I am at university this semester in class with various communists types, I am learning a great deal of other ideologies, and it causes me to reflect upon my own developing school of economic thought.

In Libertarian Socialism, there is an expectation that there is a provider of the benefit, as in a family unit, wherein the young children wait for father or mother to return home with food, for example.

In Gandhian Libertarianism (my developing school of thought), the children become producers early on -- about 10 or 12 years old. The idea is that we produce in a cottage industry with no expectation of being a recipient of goods or services, only a giver.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mahatma Gandhi Suggests to us

In one page of "Non-violent Resistance: Satyagraha," Mahatma Gandhi suggests to us that "silent service" to IRS agents, as in mowing their grass or painting their homes, etc., we have an authentic opportunity to change their hearts.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Wonderful Day!

Today, I began a university study of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. My professor is an accomplished expert on the subject, who has been on the History Channel and is an author. It is so refreshing to interact with someone so informed.

I also exchanged emails with Noam Chomsky. What a day!!!!!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Letter from Law School

Well, the response from the law school indicated that I just need to pursue entrance requirements and that decisions do not focus on one lone issue. Evidently, my law school prospects are not uniquely impacted by the issue in South Carolina.

Well see. I have my prospects in many areas, including Gandhian Philosophy, BBA, MBA, Library Science, etc. Economics will be the unique concentration in my BAAS degree, while it will also remain on my front burner in the foreseeable future for a BS and/ or BBA.

I am sure that to impact the existence of the personal income tax, property tax, social security number and monetary inflation, I shall need some letters next to my name, just to get a seat at the proverbial big boy table.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Gene Chapman
P. O. Box 295545
Lewisville, Texas 75029

January 5, 2012

Star Telagrahm

Dear Editor:

I watched with sadness the decision of leaders in Ft. Worth to humiliate some of their citizens by publishing the names of those arrested for DUI. This was based, I believe, upon your two primary religions in Western Culture: 1) Keynesian-Marxism, which presumes that the ends justify the means, and 2) Biblical Christianity, a collection of 66 philosophy books that are in gross dysfunctional conflict with one another, if taken to be inerrant, making everyone into a demon in the eyes of someone and no one worthy of a genuine act of discretion, mercy or redemption.

In my Gandhian view, religions inform law, but no written document is inerrant. Keynesian-Marxism seeks to enslave the individual to the collectivist state through its coercive inroads on the rights to property, while Biblical Christianity has been proved less that inerrant in various books like, "Jesus Interrupted."

The truth is that the ends do no justify the means, for in one sense the ends do not ultimately ever arrive, so only the ever evolving means are what we have. If we deprive ourselves of proper means, then we destroy all into a mud hole of dysfunctional defamation and wrath.

I urge the leaders of Ft. Worth to sit quietly, contemplating the truth in relationship to their policies, waiting for the cow bells that surround truth to fall silent until they experience that release of tension within the pit of their stomach that is the sign that all the questions have been answered and that truth has been attained. This is the path to good governance and an economy of permanance in a world of peace.

Most respectfully,

Gene Chapman

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Funeral: The Best Person I Ever Knew

I just got in from the funeral of Minde Lee Slate, the best person I ever knew. She was just less than a month of her 88th birthday. My mother and she were best friends, more a mother and daughter relationship, from my angle. I knew Lee from my earliest days on earth to today. Nothing but good memories and a life full of family elegance and successes for several generations through her three daughters.

I decided I'd rather be burned on a pyre than buried in the ground, though.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Law School Letter/ Greenville

Gene Chapman
P. O. Box 295545
Lewisville, Texas 75029

January 3, 2012

XXXXXXXSchool of Law


As I am preparing to apply to your law school, I want to address the possibility that I carry a "wreckless endangerment of myself" misdemeanor conviction in Greenville, South Carolina. You see, I am a committed Gandhian, and between April, 2003 thru April, 2004, I did 123 days of combined fasting on behalf of what has become the Ron Paul Agenda. (I have interacted with members of the Gandhi family, been quoted on the front page of "The New York Times" twice, and I even run the Mahatma Gandhi Global Library and Book Exchange with input from about 1,300 Gandhian intellectuals, students and activists from the around the world, just to set the stage for my role in what has become the Tax Honesty Movement, the Tea Party Movement and the Occupy Wall Street Movement.)

During one of my fasts in Austin, Texas, in 2003 or 2004, my FBI handler, Special Agent MXXXe VXXXXXXXr, called me on the phone one night and ridiculed me for not dying, saying, "We know you're not gonna fast to death." The fact is that I began to lose mental faculty and thus internal control of the first Austin fast about the 37th day, ending it on the 40th day, so there was a good bit of truth to his ridicule. I began immediately to study other Gandhian tactics and Duc Quang's auto cremation tactic in Vietnam came to mind.

In January, 2005, I was discussing "self immolation" on the Internet that could be done in front of an IRS Building in Greenville, South Carolina, aware that "self immolation" includes "fasts unto death" and a broad range of lesser tactics that also include "auto cremation" but that do not necessitate auto cremation. The Greenville Police Department's view was that I planned to auto cremate that special day, so they pulled me over on the way to the IRS building and placed me in a mental hospital for 36 days of evaluation. It was determined in the month long evaluation that I was depressed from my long fight with the IRS and very committed to my views; but otherwise, I was fine. Dr. CXXXXXn, my hospital psychiatrist, told me that the Fed's were gonna bury me in a mental hospital next time, if I continued my aggressive tactics against the IRS, aware that they could find nothing wrong with me. (Arun Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi's grandson, told me earlier in my protesting to expect this type of action against Gandhian tactics.)

After the 36 days, I was transferred to the Greenville County Jail for a 28 day sentence and a court hearing on the last day. I was not provided legal council, as I'd requested. And after meeting several inmates in the county jail who had been forgotten in the system as much as 18 months past their sentence, they claimed, I opted out of a jury trial that would have been another month away for a judge only trial.

The judge explained in the court proceeding that the police officer accusing me of a propane leak in my RV had been his fishing buddy for 28 years. I explained that when I bought the RV in 2001 that I'd spent about 20 minutes trying to light the propane stove by turning every possible valve and that I have never had so much as a whiff of propane in that truck. I said, I knew that propane tank to be bone dry, so I silently concluded that I was being railroaded into a conviction with no legal council, under the duress of being forgotten in the county jail and with stated aggressive intent against me by the Fed's, who wanted me "controlled," according to Dr. CXXXXXXn.

There was a smell in my RV, but it was from stain that I had put on some wood for my then pastor's book shelf project. I carried the stained wood from his office to his home the weekend before I was picked up by the police and had not aired out the RV over the Sunday between.

I've made an effort to check my police record, but I came up clean. I want to clear my name, if necessary, and continue my effort to move America away from the Keynesian-Marxist system of slave economics (taxation of labor, taxation of property, numbering people like cattle, etc.) toward a mix of Austrian School Economics and Gandhian Philosophy and an economy of permanence in a world of peace.

Before I get too financially involved into the law school effort, I need to know how this possible conviction might impact me at your law school and in the bar exam, etc.

Most respectfully,

Gene Chapman

Monday, January 2, 2012

LSAT Test Preparation Search

I began my search for an LSAT test preparation course today. They all want about $1,400 for the course. I need to take the LSAT in June to have optimum entrance options into various law schools, I'm informed.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Pro-Ron Paul Agenda Fast Ending Well

Well, we are coming down to the end of the 3 day Pro-Ron Paul Agenda fast, 5 1/2 hours to go. All went well, and I think I gained some clarity of the effort in my own mind, as I reported in the previous posting. Good deal